The Ravenswoodjones

Scissors-Paper-Music from Linda Ravenswood & Stan Hillas (Jones)

My Photo
Location: los angeles, california

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Good Day, Badger !

I've decided to finally admit that my anthropomorphism is just a side-tracked fear of the unknown. Animals are simply hairier and less likely to say, "hi, ravenswood", when seeing me on Greenwood at ten in the evening, than some guy who lives further down the road. All of my romantisicm and fluffy thinking is just bollocks.

......or is it ?

What's that rustling in the hedgerow ? it's.... it's Superbadger, and he's holding......sandwiches !!! that his ...mother made...on her little maplewood kitchen table.....

Stop it !!!

If the dumb badger was actually holding a sandwich, he must have retrieved it from a garbage bin, or more likely, someone tossed it from an overpass (because the " aioli* was just too, too tangy ").


here we are in los angeles. making music and thinking about badgers.

* Stan says if you have to ask, you don't need to know

Monday, May 22, 2006

Hi Everybody! Thanks for all of your emails about our new blogcast and website. We've done many websites for all sorts of clients and the first thing we ask them is to describe their "audience" and then, as we develop the site, we ask them to get real, honest feedback from everyone they know ( ...hey, even the Pope dropped in on Michaelangelo every now and again..." Lookin' Good 'bout some more blue over there in the corner ? " )
So, please let us know how we're doing ! Are we making something that you find meaningful, helpful, fun, just plain groovy ? Was it easy to look around ? Anything really get your attention ? How was the sound quality ? Would you like us to focus on one thing more than another?
Heck, if you're in marketing you can even use words like synergy... and demand more pictures of handshakes ! Email us at or leave a comment here.
The Ravenswoodjones

Thursday, May 18, 2006

InAuthentic Radio

The Future Now - Radio Show #2

His royal "I"ness visits our studios. Call me Mr. Sting (So, okay, we didn't destroy the tape).

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

InAuthentic Radio

"Let Him Touch Me" - Radio Show #1

The Duh Vinci Code broken into little pieces by Radio Talk-Show Host Rev. John Jones, and his call-in guests Mrs. Hannibal, Rose and Hi. Trust no one.

For more Ravenswoodjones (music, art and makings) visit
The Ravenswoodjones

Inauthentic Radio

"Meet Me On The Radio #1"

THE FUTURE NOW Host Linda Ravenswood interacts with guest L. Cohen on her new show MEET ME ON THE RADIO.

For more Ravenswoodjones (music, art and makings) visit
The Ravenswoodjones

Monday, May 15, 2006

Demo of New Song


For more Ravenswoodjones (music, art and makings) visit
The Ravenswoodjones